GROWING and GOING together


Our Why

This is not original to us but there is a saying, “When you know your why your what has more meaning.” We believe that the gospel is our why. The good news that God loved us despite our brokeness and shows that love for us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This truth calls us to something more. We believe God has called KBC to grow and go together. Below are six statements that describe what that specifically looks like.



KBC exists to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the triune God.  From there we teach followers of Jesus to obey God’s word. KBC members are not here to stay. God has called us to the nations through his word. The nations are the children in our homes, our coworkers, the stranger at the grocery store, the sojourner from another land looking for a home in this one, and the rest of the world. 

(Matthew 28:19-20)


KBC exists to remove obstacles for unbelievers. Believers should not make it difficult for unbelievers to believe the good news of Jesus.  We want to remove any distraction or any wall that may keep someone from believing the gospel or from belonging to the Church.  This means we must be welcoming to all people. We want people to feel at home and welcomed as they step foot on our campus regardless of why they may be here. 

(Acts 15: 1-21)


KBC exists to change our community with the gospel.  We believe the gospel is the most significant force for change that exists.  As people who have been changed by the gospel, we want to change the community around us.  We want to be agents of gospel change in our homes, workplaces, grocery stores, ball games, or anywhere else we find ourselves.  We want to carry the gospel light into the darkest parts of our community. 

(Acts 19: 21-41)



KBC exists to abide with Jesus and then abide with others.  We believe that being a Christian means that you are to be in a relationship with Jesus.  Like any relationship, we are to spend time with Jesus. Through spiritual disciplines such as scripture reading, prayer, fasting, sabbath, silence, and solitude. Our relationship with Jesus should also lead us to relationships with other believers.  Those authentic relationships are meant to be sincere and vulnerable. The church is a platform to walk together with the Lord and each other. 

(John 15, Acts 2:42-47)


KBC exists to worship together.  We are commanded in scripture to gather together for the purpose of worship to Jesus. That looks like fellowship among believers, singing, responding to the written and proclaimed word.  Every aspect of our service is worship. This serves as a metaphor for our lives.  We are meant to do life and worship together. A major way we do that is through gathering to worship on the Lord’s day. 

(Hebrews 10:19-25, Col. 3:12-17)


KBC exists to partner with families for the discipleship of children. Scripture tells us that children are a gift from God.  We want to steward the families and children God has sent to us well.  Scripture also compares children to arrows.  Arrows are meant to be shot.  Our children will leave our homes to begin lives of their own.  As our children exit the safety of our walls we want to give them a faith they can grow into and not out of. 

(Deut. 6: 1:1-15, Psalm 127: 3-5)